New Label Wizard


When you need fast creating of labels, use this option. Wizard will ask you very few questions before label is being created. When you set/check all options on one page, click Next button to go to next step. Your settings will be remembered so you don't need to set them again when you run this option next time.


Page 1 – Title



Set title of disk and places where it will be placed.


Page 2 – Additional



Select template file (if you want to) and enable/disable drive reading (CDDB). Replace title for audio CDs means that after successful retrieving of album data from CDDB, title from previous page will be replaced with Author/Album name.


Page 3 - Finish



If you want to open Save or Print dialog right away, turn this options on.


When you finish, click on finish. You can abandon creating in any time by clicking Cancel button.